Secures program topics and speakers for monthly meetings.
Revises membership brochure and communications. Sends out annual membership packets. Maintains accurate list of all members. Requests feedback from members for chapter improvements.
Educates membership on the certification process. Identifies options for study groups, materials and instructors.
Updates web site with new committee information, Board Representatives, application process and monthly meeting topics. Sends out press releases and gathers information from other committees and members to put out newsletter(s) each year.
Diversity/Workforce Readiness
Monitor and evaluate on a continuing basis local activities concerning diversity issues. Spearhead the effort to diversify the chapter's membership/leadership and to publicize successful diversity programs in the community.
Student Chapter Liaison
Maintains contact with local student chapters, invites them to monthly meetings, attends their meetings and identifies partnership opportunities.
Provides updates and alerts to membership on HR laws. Communicates chapter’s position on specific legislative issues that impacts the HR profession.
Secures sponsors for monthly meetings.