FWD HR Blog, March 2017
Local Technical Colleges in Wisconsin are a solid source of new employees by Mike Previte
With so many college grads in debt, this needs to be an alternative for all high school students if they are not going to a 4-year college with a specific career in mind: A recent article in EducationDIVE cites a survey by the Business Roundtable, 95% of American CEOs believe their companies suffer from a skills shortage.
So where to go to close that gap, if you are an HR person in the Manufacturing sector?
How about your local technical college? Not all students go to job fairs, thus recruiters should make the connection to a technical college associate dean or instructor. It will pay off in a highly trained and well prepared worker to add to your growing workplace!
Partnering with faculty who are all eager to help their students start their careers is golden. I advocate for my students and maintain connections with multiple employers in the Waukesha and Jefferson County areas. Find your local technical college and connect now!
Mike Previte is the Program Chair for JCHRMA (Jefferson County HRMA)